The God Who Keeps His Promise – Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)
Pastor Mike Matheson   -  

This week in the story of Abraham, the Lord makes good on His promise, and Sarah has a son, Isaac. It’s the fulfillment of a promise that first began back in chapter 12, when God said He would make Abraham into a great nation. That promise was then clarified in chapter 15, when God promised Abraham that his very own son would be his heir and would lead to innumerable offspring. Finally, in chapter 17, God specifies that it would be through a son born to Sarah that His “everlasting covenant” would be established. And now, as she’s approaching 100 years old, the promise is fulfilled and a son is born. The promise that was once doubted as impossible, God has made good on. But this chapter also shows God making good on his promise to Ishmael, Abraham’s son through Hagar. And it shows God making good on his promise to bless the nations, as Abraham enters a friendly covenant with Abimelech. The seed of God’s everlasting promise has begun to grow, but only in Christ will that promise find it’s ultimate fulfillment.