Mission: The Spirit Empowers the Church – Know The Story
Clint Klepp   -  

Note: Due to a power failure, a clip of the audio cuts out.
In our sermon series “Know the Story,” we can see that God has woven together one narrative about His redemption of His creation for His glory. And at the very center of this narrative is God’s Son, Jesus Christ. For the past couple weeks, we have been learning about Jesus’ life, teaching, and works. Most importantly, we have learned about what He accomplished through His death and resurrection. As we transition to the book of Acts, we find a transition in the narrative itself. As Jesus ascends into heaven, the story of His time on earth comes to an end and the story of the church begins. This story runs throughout the New Testament and continues on today. Like the disciples, we have been given the Holy Spirit and have been called to be on mission and to be witnesses to Christ. Like they did, we too will see the gospel triumph.