To the Church in Sardis – The Son of Man at the Center
Pastor Mike Matheson   -  

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of Jesus that is meant to encourage us. Last week, we learned about the church in Thyatira. This week, we continue our study of the proclamations to the seven churches with Sardis. Unlike most of the other churches, the church in Sardis faced no external threat. Their problems came from within. This church was satisfied with the name it had made for itself, but Jesus wanted to give it the right name—an unsoiled name in the eyes of the One who matters most. Through this church, we are challenged to ask ourselves: Would Jesus find us to be alive or dead? Do we cling to the only One who can give us life? He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: Wake up!