The Fall: The Fly in the Ointment – Know The Story
Pastor Matthew Lautz   -  

In our passage this week, we find the dynamics of the temptation and fall into sin. While last week we found God’s original design for His creation, this week we find the breach of that design and God’s response to that breach. We find the origin of the pattern played out in the rest of Scripture: Why is there struggle and toil? Why is there fear and shame? Why are the relationships with creation, each other, and God so broken? Why must we die? In this story we see the beginning of God’s redemptive plan for humanity: The man and the woman ate from the tree which God commanded them not to eat. The effects of this sin were severe. Yet God came to find them, made a way for them to get back to Him and paradise, and provided a solution for their nakedness and shame. In the temptation and fall of the first man and woman, how might we see ourselves and our circumstances today?