Student Ministry: Blaze
January 22 – April 30, 2025
The teenage years are foundational in shaping the course of a person's life. Teens are searching for identity, purpose, and belonging. We believe that those are only found in Christ. That is why our goal is to equip students "To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known."
Teens desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. Our hope is that they would see God’s greater plan for their lives through the life of the local church. To that end, we encourage all teens to participate in the life of the Grace Church by engaging in the corporate gathering on Sunday mornings, this includes worship, the preaching of the word and serving.
Blaze is our midweek ministry geared specifically towards teens. We help students Know Christ and Make Christ Known through sound and relevant Biblical teaching, peer-to-peer fellowship, and activities. Blaze meets on Wednesday evenings throughout the regular school year.
“Pods” are age and gender specific small groups designed for students to grow closer to each other and Christ with the help and guidance of trusted adults who are committed to walking with them through life’s challenges. Pods are a part of our Wednesday night programming.
We want to meet each student right where they are, both spiritually and developmentally. On Wednesday nights we have separate times when our junior and senior high students meet.
Junior High (6th-8th grade) – 6:30pm-8:30pm
Senior High (9th-12th grade) – 7pm-9pm
We believe a focused time away from the distractions of life can be important to help our students dig deep in scripture and build lasting relationships. Our annual winter retreat for junior and senior high students is designed for this purpose.
Faith should move us to action. We aim to create opportunities for our students to be the hands and feet of Jesus locally, nationally and internationally.
During the summer we take a break from our weekly programming. Instead we meet monthly as a whole group. We also have one junior high and one senior high specific event designed to help our students grow in the faith.