Sunday Worship


No matter who you are, where you come from, what you've been through, you are welcome at our Sunday Worship Gathering. Come join our church as we celebrate the life we have in Christ. It's good news for us and it's good news for you.

We gather Sundays at 9:30am.


Our time together in worship each week is designed to tell a story. It's a story about the God who created us, saw us fall into rebellion against Him, and then sent His Son to rescue us by overcoming our sin by his death on the cross and overcoming our death in his resurrection. This is the story we need to hear again and again because it never gets old and it only gets better.


There is nothing extraordinary about what we do when we gather on Sundays. We keep things simple and basically do what the Bible tells us to do. To that end, we don’t do things for our entertainment, we do them for God’s glory.

Reading God’s Word

We read God's Word together because it draws us closer to God. Throughout the Bible, no matter how far off God's people are from Him, when they read His Word, He works in their hearts to bring them back.


We sing songs that convey the truths of scripture for the edification of the church and the glorification of Christ. Singing unifies the church and forms our hearts in the knowledge of God.


We pray together throughout the service, beginning, middle, and end because we are dependent on God for everything, even our worship. We need him and when we pray he responds.


We preach expositionally through books of the Bible. The goal of our preaching is to expose the passage’s original intent and meaning, reveal its connection to Christ, and apply it to our lives. We want the Word of God to have its say on the people of God.


We love to baptize people and have them profess their faith and give their testimony to the gathered church. Baptism is a symbol of a life of repentance and faith in Christ. If you are interested in learning more about baptism, click here.

The Lord's Supper

Twice a month, on first and third Sundays, we come together for a simple meal of a cracker and some juice to remember Christ and his sacrifice for our sins.


Our goal is for our kids to become active participants in our corporate worship. We want them to be included and participate in the service so that they feel like they belong when the church gathers. However, we also understand that sitting through ninety minutes of a service can be challenging for little ones, so we have options available:

  • Nursery — ages 0-2 years old
  • Sunday School — ages 3 to kindergarten
  • Worshipers-in-Training — 1st-4th grade (during the school year)

Worshipers-in-Training (WIT) is a program where the kids start out in the service with their families and are dismissed right before the sermon to a classroom where they will learn more about how we worship. They will also be taught a lesson based on the scripture passage from the previous week.