A Three Story Love Story – Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)
Patrick Tetzlaff   -  

In the passage this week, we see God remain faithful as the promise begins to be passed from Abraham and Sarah to the next generation in Isaac and Rebekah. We last left Abraham purchasing a field and a cave to bury his beloved Sarah but also gaining his first bit of real estate in the land God had promised Him. Now, with Sarah gone and Abraham continuing to age, Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac. At the end of Genesis 22, God made known to Abraham the status of his family still living in the east. This family update included a man named Bethuel and his daughter Rebekah. It is through this branch of the family that we see a three-fold love story unfold: a love story between Isaac and Rebekah, a steadfast love story between God and Abraham’s offspring, and the ultimate love story of a Heavenly Father and the Bride that He has chosen for His one and only promised Son.