The Problem & Promise of Righteousness & Justice – Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)
Pastor Mike Matheson   -  

The passage this week is a big one as we read the story of God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. God comes to visit Abraham in the form of a man along with two angels. They are on their way to the cities of the valley, Sodom and Gomorrah, to “see whether [the people] have done altogether according to the outcry that has come.” God has seen the injustice of the world. He knows the abuse and wickedness of the hearts of men. And so He plans to bring destruction upon them. But Abraham has a question? What if there are fifty righteous in the city? What if there are ten? Will God still destroy them? He is the righteous Judge of all the earth. How far does the mercy of God go? Consider these questions as you read and study the passage this week. Does God’s mercy extend to you?