9. Balance of Grace and Truth

Chapter 7 in Hear Me Now is about the mark of shepherding. One of the main ways Pastor Jerry shepherded Grace church was to preach about key truths he was learning as he followed Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
In this sermon Pastor Jerry shares his desire to be known as a man and pastor who was “full of grace and truth.” His key vision for Grace Church was that it would be a church “full of grace and truth.” He emphasized how God’s grace saves us, sustains us, and never runs out; and how God’s truth is absolute, infallible, and protective. Pastor Jerry taught over and over again through the years to humbly learn from Jesus, our perfect model of both grace and truth (John 1:14). As humans, he pointed out how we will tend to tilt toward either grace or truth, and he suggests practical helps on how we can work to develop a Christlike balance.