Adult Ministries

As part of our vision To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known we understand that every ministry at Grace Church must be geared toward growing our people in their knowledge of Jesus, their love for him, and their love for one another. This is what we desire for every program under adult ministries.


We know that connection with other people of the church is vital to our growth as Christians. This is the reason that we established Life Groups at Grace Church. Life Groups meet either once a week or every other to deepen friendships, pray for one another, and build each other up in God’s word.


Our classes are designed to help you know and follow Christ more faithfully by developing a deeper understanding of God and his Word. Classes launch twice a year—in the Fall (mid-September) and the Spring (mid-February). Most classes run four weeks and are scheduled after Sunday worship service or on a weeknight.


We desire to see men grow in their love for Christ and obedience to him. This is why we have offerings like the twice a month No Regrets men’s study on Monday nights, morning discussion and prayer groups on Tuesdays and Fridays, and our large Men’s Breakfast held four times a year on selected Saturday mornings. This is where our guys get together to listen to the word of God taught, eat, and discuss the message together.


We want our women to grow in their understanding of God’s word and be a part of flourishing relationships. That is why we offer bible studies, book clubs, The MomCo (formerly MOPS/Mothers of Pre-Schoolers), and one-to-one bible reading. The opportunities for spiritual growth are abundant. Six Saturday mornings of the year are devoted to the Women’s Gathering. This is a large group time together for our women to worship as one, hear biblical teaching, and encourage one another.


In addition to all of the other adult ministry opportunities we offer, we also have a Bible study and brunch that meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday from March to December for those age 55+. We gather to listen to teaching from God’s word, enjoy a meal, and pray for one another.

Additionally, opportunities for outings together gives our seniors some great chances to connect and grow together.


In addition to all of the other adult ministry opportunities we offer those between 18-29 are invited to come and explore Christianity and learn what it means to follow Jesus. The group meets monthly and has several small groups that meet weekly.