Holy Week

at Grace Church

Holy Week is the final week of Lent leading up to Easter. It is a time of reflection, prayer, and solemn observance, commemorating the last days of Jesus Christ's life, his death, and resurrection.

At Grace Church we invite you to join us for Holy Week services and activities, including Palm Sunday worship, Sense of Holy Week experience, a Maundy Thursday communion service, Good Friday service, and a joyful Easter Sunday celebration.

Join us during Holy Week

Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, April 13 // 9:30am

Join us for our Palm Sunday service as we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This service is the start of Holy Week, preparing our hearts for the events leading to Easter.

Sense of Holy Week

Wednesday, April 16 // 5pm – 9pm

This is an open house style, activity based evening designed for families and groups. Attendees will travel through different stations designed to bring the elements of Holy Week to life.

Maundy Thursday Communion Service

Thursday, April 17 // 6:30pm

We will gather together for a communion service followed by a meal and time together with the Grace Church family as we reflect on the meal Jesus shared with his disciples.

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18 // 6:30pm

This is a somber service where we reflect on Jesus’ necessary death on the cross. When the service is complete, we leave in silent contemplation of all that Jesus suffered to redeem us.

Easter Sunday Service

Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, our King!

Membership Class
Join us at the next Membership Class on Saturday, March 15th! Click here to learn more.
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Newcomer Gathering
Come if you’re new, newer, or simply want to learn more about Grace.
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