A Song For The Momentary Soul – Psalms: Songs for Every Season

Psalm 141 is a song of lament, a cry to God for help. And as is often the case in the psalms, it is a cry for deliverance from evil. But what’s unique about this psalm is where it locates that evil. So often we see evil being an outside force that’s trying to get in. But in verses 3-4, David is praying that God protect him from the evil that comes from within him. As you study this psalm, think about the inclinations of your own heart. Remember that the goal of scripture isn’t just to help us see the outside world differently. It’s also a mirror to help us see clearly the reality inside our own hearts. And so, perhaps the greatest courage of David wasn’t to face the giant, but to face the truth of his own soul and ultimately to depend on the grace of God to save him.