To the Church in Laodicea – The Son of Man at the Center
Pastor Chris Amundson   -  

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of Jesus that is meant to encourage us. Last week, we learned about the church in Philadelphia. This week, we continue our study of the proclamations to the seven churches with Laodicea. Here, we find a shocking contrast between this week’s passage and last week’s passage: The One just described as having the power to open and shut (3:7-8) now stands outside the door of one of His churches, knocking and waiting to be let in. In Laodicea, we find a comfortable church whose complacency has rendered them as useless as lukewarm water. Even so, the risen Jesus reminds them of His love for them and calls them to be zealous, repent, and open the door. Might we find our own reflection in the Laodicean church? He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.