What Triumph Really Looks Like – Palm Sunday
Pastor Mike Matheson   -  

In our passage for Palm Sunday, we’re looking at a few verses from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi to encourage them in their faith, and more specifically to help them grow in their Christ-likeness. One way Paul talks about this is when he says that we are to have the same mind as Christ. And he goes on from there to explain that the mind of Christ was not one of boasting and self-aggrandizing, even though he was fully God. Instead, Christ had the mind of a humble servant, and emptied himself of his divine position completely. He did not consider his status as God something to be held onto for his own advantage. The exaltation of the true king of creation first required complete humility and subjugation. And now as we are called to share the mind of Christ, we find that when we share in his humility, we will ultimately share in his glory.