Matthew 11:20-30 | Changing Your Mind January 19, 2025 In this week's passage, we continue in Jesus’ discourse to the crowd who had gathered after representatives of John the Baptist were sent...
Matthew 11:1-19 | Expectations January 12, 2025 This Sunday we jump back into the gospel of Matthew for 2025. As we start in chapter 11, it begins with a concern that is raised by an...
Exodus 20:1-11 | Rest January 5, 2025 As we enter a new year, there are many priorities vying for our attention. The concept of Rest is rarely put at the top of one’s list of...
Psalm 80 | Restoration December 22, 2024 As we now step away for a time from our normal rhythms of teaching on Sunday morning, we step into the Advent season together. This year,...
Psalm 72 | Advent Imagination December 15, 2024 As we now step away for a time from our normal rhythms of teaching on Sunday morning, we step into the Advent season together. This year,...
Matthew 11:20-30 | Changing Your MindIn this week's passage, we continue in Jesus’ discourse to the crowd who had gathered after representatives of John the Baptist were sent...
Matthew 11:1-19 | ExpectationsThis Sunday we jump back into the gospel of Matthew for 2025. As we start in chapter 11, it begins with a concern that is raised by an...
Exodus 20:1-11 | RestAs we enter a new year, there are many priorities vying for our attention. The concept of Rest is rarely put at the top of one’s list of...
Psalm 80 | RestorationAs we now step away for a time from our normal rhythms of teaching on Sunday morning, we step into the Advent season together. This year,...
Psalm 72 | Advent ImaginationAs we now step away for a time from our normal rhythms of teaching on Sunday morning, we step into the Advent season together. This year,...
Psalm 8 | The Majesty of AdventAs we now step away for a time from our normal rhythms of teaching on Sunday morning, we step into the...
Psalm 2 | The Lord's AnointedAs we now step away for a time from our normal rhythms of teaching on Sunday morning, we step into the...
1 Peter 2:9-10 | Membership Matters (Part Two)In these two weeks leading up to Advent, we are going to take some time to discuss a topic that affects how we move forward together in the...
Romans 12:1-5 | Membership Matters (Part One)In these two weeks leading up to Advent, we are going to take some time to discuss a topic that affects how we move forward together in the...
Cost and Reward | Matthew 10:34-42In the closing verses of Matthew 10, Jesus gives some of the strongest words about what it means to follow him in carrying out his mission....
The Fear to Make Christ Known | Matthew 10:26-33As we continue on in this week’s passage from chapter 10, Jesus addresses some fears we will face in our mission to proclaim His name to...
Dangerous Journey | Matthew 10:16-25In this week's passage, Jesus continues to talk about the mission ahead for the disciples he is commissioning. But the content of what he...
Missions Pep Talk | Matthew 10:1-15Chapter 10 of Matthew begins with Jesus preparing his disciples to go out and do the ministry that Jesus alone has been doing up to this...
What Makes The Mission Move | Matthew 9:35-38In this last short paragraph from Matthew 9, we see some familiar language concerning Jesus’ ministry to the crowds as well as a glimpse...
Fruitful Faith, Senseless Skepticism | Matthew 9:18-34In Matthew 9:18–34, we are presented with more miraculous work done by our Lord. But in the story of these works of Christ, there is a...
To Eat or Not to Eat | Matthew 9:9-17As we continue through chapter 9 of Matthew, we find two situations where Jesus is the source of controversy. But it certainly isn’t...
The Most Powerful Thing in the WorldIn last week’s passage, we were given a taste of what it costs to follow Christ. But for this week, Matthew gives us a fuller view of the...
Genuine DiscipleshipLast week’s passage gave us a glimpse of the authority that Jesus has from his healings and miracles. This week, we get a look at what it...
Following the Master: Matthew 8:1-17As we turn the page from the Sermon on the Mount, we are immediately confronted with three different stories of Jesus’ miraculous healing...
The Master's BuildThis week's passage concludes the Sermon on the Mount. And in it, we are given an illustration that sums up the consequences of what we do...
Two Ways, Contingent On One | Matthew 7:13-23Matthew 7:13-23 presents to us some of the most difficult teaching from Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. It is a passage that draws...
The Golden RuleIn verse 12, Jesus wraps up a major section of his teaching with one of the most quoted portions of the Bible. The “Golden Rule” is a...
The God Who Gives Good Gifts | Matthew 7:7-11As we start to wrap up Jesus' teaching on how we treat others in the Sermon on the Mount, we come to another...
Humble Judgment, Wise Discernment | Matthew 7:1-6This week, we shift from the personal nature of what our hearts are serving and depending on, to our interactions with those around us. As...
Misplaced Anxiety | Matthew 6:25-34Last week, we looked at Jesus’ teaching on earthly versus heavenly treasure. In this Sunday’s passage, Jesus addresses a consistent...
Kingdom Wealth: Matthew 6:19-24After multiple weeks focusing on the Lord’s Prayer, we now move onto the next part of the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus...
A Prayer for this Present Age: Matthew 6:13We now reach the last part of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 and it covers something that we may not give much thought to in our prayer...
Forgiveness: Matthew 6:12After a week in First Kings, we are back to the Lord’s Prayer. And in verse 12, we are taught to pray for...
1 Kings: The One True God: 1 Kings 18:20-40In reflecting on a great week of VBS, we took a slight detour this Sunday from the Sermon on the Mount to...
The Simple Request of Prayer: Matthew 6:11In Matthew 6:11, we come to a short petition asking for God to give us
The Quality Of Prayer (Matthew 6:10)***Due to storms during service on 6/16/24 we lost power several times. You will notice breaks in the audio/video during these...
Quintessence of Prayer (Matthew 6:9)This Sunday, we start to narrow our focus onto individual sections of the Lord‘s prayer. And while this may be a passage that is very...
Practicing Righteousness? (Matthew 6:1-18)This week, we begin a new chapter in Matthew and a new section of our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. Here,...
Holy Completion (Matthew 5:48)We now come to the end of chapter 5, as well as this section of the Sermon on the Mount. This section...
True Love (Matthew 5:43-47)In this final paragraph of Matthew 5, Jesus gives a teaching that is truly emblematic of the high calling of...
Eyes, Teeth, Cheeks, Cloaks, and Miles (Matthew 5:38-42)Jesus' teaching throughout chapter 5 has set a different tone for what true righteous living actually looks like. His words...
Pinky Promise? (Matthew 5:33-37)As we continue on with Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, we come upon his words concerning oaths. While we may not live in...
Marriage Matters (Matthew 5:31-32)In this week’s passage, Jesus seamlessly moves from the subject of lust to divorce and remarriage. And in...
Hard To Hear (Matthew 5:27-30)In this week’s passage, Jesus talks about the sin of lust. Just like anger, it is a far deeper issue than what we see on the surface. For...
Our Relational Liability (Matthew 5:21-26)As we enter into the main body of Jesus’ teaching, he begins with a word on anger and dissension amongst brothers. And while it may seem...
The Excessive Righteousness of Kingdom People (Matthew 5:17-20)After a break for Holy Week, we are now back to our Lord’s teaching from the Sermon on the Mount. This passage is the first one that...
A Song of Resurrection Confidence (Psalm 16)Today, we celebrate together the resurrection of our Lord as Holy Week and the Lenten season come to a close. Resurrection Sunday is the...
A Song Of His Saving Work (Psalm 118)We begin Holy Week by celebrating Palm Sunday together and walking through Psalm 118. Throughout the week we will dive into psalms that...
Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)We have now come to the end of this section called the beatitudes, and Jesus concludes it by comparing his people to salt and light. We get...
Blessing and Persecution (Matthew 5:10-12)This Sunday concludes our time together in the beatitudes and it ends with a word on the world’s response to the righteous. Hostility and...
True Peace (Matthew 5:9)As we approach the end of the beatitudes, our Lord gives the penultimate description of the citizens of his kingdom as peacemakers. And...
Whole Hearted Happiness (Matthew 5:8)We are now into the latter half of our Lord’s beatitudes in which we are getting a clearer picture of the type of people who are part of...
Mercy (Matthew 5:7)We have now reached the fifth beatitude which tells us that the merciful are the blessed ones. This is a unique beatitude amongst the list...
You Are What You Hunger For (Matthew 5:6)In verse 6, we learn that it is those who hunger and thirst for righteousness who will be satisfied. While this is something that...
Keep Calm and Carry On (Matthew 5:5)In this third beatitude, Jesus tells us that the blessed ones are people who are meek. It is a word that we sometimes use, but rarely think...
The Flourishing Life Of Sorrow (Matthew 5:4)This week Pastor Isaac took us through the second beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount. In this short statement, Jesus teaches something...
The Be-All Beatitude (Matthew 5:3)Now that we have taken a broad view of the entire Sermon on the Mount, we dig in to look at it in pieces. And when Jesus opens his mouth to...
The Greatest Sermon Ever (Matthew 5:1-7:28)This week is unique, instead of the usual short scripture passage, we are studying the entire three chapters of the Sermon on the Mount...
Psalm 1In this first week of 2024, we are taking a short break from the book of Matthew to look at Psalm 1 together. But truthfully, Psalm 1 is...
A Kingdom Like No Other (Matthew 4:12-25)In the wilderness, Jesus accomplished what no man could by overcoming the temptation of the evil one. Now it is time to begin building his...
The Mystery of the Incarnation (Matthew 4:1-11)Message from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 24, 2023
Prepare Him Room (Matthew 3:1-17)We have now reached a point in the book of Matthew where we see Jesus as an adult for the first time. But chapter 3 doesn’t begin with...
Christmas in the Fullest Sense (Matthew 2:13-23)This week, we look at a darker element of the Christmas story that significantly contrasts with the joyous elements of the holiday that we...
When Stars Align (Matthew 2:1-12)This week we cover a passage that almost everyone has a passing familiarity with, “The Visit of the Magi”. What is truly notable about...
Joseph’s Trust In God (Matthew 1:18-25)After walking through Jesus’ genealogy last week, we now dive into the narrative of his life that Matthew has laid out. Matthew begins...
Introducing Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)We now begin a year-long series in the Gospel of Matthew together. And from beginning to the end, the author is going to work to convince...
Politics & Identity (Romans 1:16)Last week, Pastor Mike talked about our thinking rightly concerning political power in light of the true power of the gospel. But another...
Politics & Power (Romans 1:16)In this brief, two week series, we have the opportunity to consider the gospel and what it means in our approach to politics and social...
The Final Word - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesIn this short passage from chapter twelve, we now hear from the narrator who concludes the book. It contains some words about the Preacher...
Wisdom For Growing Old - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesIn this penultimate sermon from our Ecclesiastes series we see the Preacher give instructions to remember and rejoice in this life. While...
Wisdom for Work - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesThe beginning of chapter 11 addresses the unexpected nature of life and how we ought to respond to it. While we are always drawn to feeling...
Wisdom > Folly - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesIn this week’s text, the Preacher walks through the complex relationship between wisdom and folly. While wisdom is far better than the...
Make Your Bed - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesIn Ecclesiastes 9:1-12, the Preacher revisits the idea of death as the great equalizer for all. And he does this so that the reader...
Civic Wisdom in an Uncivil Age - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesEcclesiastes 8 proves to be a difficult passage; not only in navigating what the Preacher is telling the reader, but more difficult to hear...
The Trouble With Wisdom - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesThe second half of Ecclesiastes 7 proves to be one of the most difficult passages to understand up to this point and it's possible that...
Man Versus God - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesThe passage from this Sunday again presents to us a truth that proves difficult for us to understand and often to accept: that God truly is...
The Vanity of Wealth - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesIn this week’s passage, the Preacher zeroes in on possessions and wealth. But it isn’t the message that many of us might expect on the...
Sunday Matters: Wisdom for Coming to Church - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesThis week, we looked at the first section of verses in chapter 5. And while most of Ecclesiastes up to this point has been a series of...
Alone Together - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesAs we continue along in our walk through Ecclesiastes, the latter half of chapter 4 presents to us a contrast between living a life in...
It Still Matters - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesLast week, we saw that God’s sovereignty over all aspects of all things is something to which we can humbly and even joyfully submit. ...
Turn! Turn! Turn! - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesThis week, we come across one of the most familiar passages in all of scripture, more for pop culture reasons than anything else. But there...
Looking for “Just Right” - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesLast week, we were introduced to the book of Ecclesiastes. The author began with the statement that ‘all is vanity’, and in the second...
The Rock in Your Shoe - Everything Matters: Wisdom From EcclesiastesThis week we began a new book together as Pastor Mike presented Ecclesiastes 1:1–11 to us. It’s probably safe to say that we couldn’t...
A Really Good Ending - All Things New (Revelation 21-22)After almost an entire year, we have reached the conclusion to the book of Revelation. The prophecy has been given to John and now we are...
Further Up, Further In - All Things New (Revelation 21-22)In the wrapping up of Revelation (and history as we know it), we are treated to an abundance of imagery that gives us a glorious peek at...
Treasure Beyond Measure - All Things New (Revelation 21-22)As of last week, we have entered into the part of Revelation where we get a clear view of the fulfillment of all things. The new heavens...
A Better Home - All Things New (Revelation 21-22)This week begins a new chapter in Revelation, both literally and figuratively. As we saw the things of old done away with at the end of...
Time to Face Hell - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20Last week, we saw Satan defeated and thrown into the Lake of Fire. Now, we come to the last enemy of God and His people: Death. From upon...
Satan’s Final Destination - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20Last week, we went through one of the most striking images in the entire Bible, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings rides into...
The Return of Christ - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20We have now arrived at the anticipated moment that all of history has been building up to, the return of Jesus Christ in glory. And this...
Save The Date - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20The beginning of 19 presents to us a view from heaven of the celebration over God’s judgment of Babylon. This is followed up with an...
A Playlist for Babylon - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20Last week, we got a vision of a prostitute riding the beast. In chapter 18, John is made privy to a detailed word on what will truly become...
Not A Mother’s Day Sermon - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20As we continue in John’s vision in chapter 17, his attention is now drawn to a woman. But this woman is very different from the one in...
Old Testament Type Stuff - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20In Chapter 16, the hour of judgment has come. And the image in which we see it here is with seven angels pouring out the seven bowls of...
Here We Go Again - True And Just Are Your Judgments: Revelation 15-20In chapter 15, John sees another sign. It is a moment of final preparation before the final judgment comes down. And the reaction that John...
An Eternal Gospel - Christ Forever: Revelation 12-14After a mountain-top vision from the text last week, John now gives a startlingly dark description of what awaits those who reject the...
The Lamb and his People - Christ Forever: Revelation 12-14This week, we are back in the book of Revelation and walked through the first five verses of chapter 14 together. This chapter comes on the...
Easter Sunday 2023: Dry Bones, Broken Sticks & A Lost King - Holy Week 2023: An Ancient Road to an Eternal CityMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on April 9, 2023
Palm Sunday 2023 - Holy Week 2023: An Ancient Road to an Eternal CityA king is coming for his people and he will set up a city and kingdom unlike any before. This was true in the days of Zerchariah and it...
Beast Mode Part 2 - Christ Forever: Revelation 12-14Message from Pastor Mike Matheson on March 26, 2023
Beast Mode - Christ Forever: Revelation 12-14Last week in Chapter 12, we saw the dragon, Satan himself, thrown down from heaven and begin his great war on those who hold to the...
Cosmic Conflict - Christ Forever: Revelation 12-14In Revelation 12, we begin a new sequence of visions, following the seven trumpets. The Apostle John sees two great signs in heaven: a...
Forever and Ever - Christ Forever: Revelation 8-11This week we finally come to the seventh trumpet. Like the seventh seal that was opened in chapter 8, this final trumpet blast serves to...
Witness In The World - Christ Forever: Revelation 8-11Last week in chapter 10, the Apostle John, the author of Revelation, received a commission from God to “prophesy about many peoples and...
Marching Orders - Christ Forever: Revelation 8-11In this week’s passage, we find ourselves at a break in the action. The opening of the seven seals gave way to seven trumpets. The first...
Announcing the Presence of Judgment - Christ Forever: Revelation 8-11In this sermon, Pastor Mike walked us through the first six ‘Trumpet Judgments’. In this passage, we are given a continued picture of...
The Seventh Seal - Christ Forever: Revelation 8-11This Sunday, we jumped back into the book of Revelation by looking at 8:1-5. In this short passage, we have a continued vision of God’s...
The Local Church: Membership - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownIn this final week of our series on the local church, we look at the idea of membership. We highly value church membership here at Grace,...
The Local Church: Leadership - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownWe have now reached week 4 of our series on the local church. Jumping off from Matthew 20, Pastor Mike shared a Christ centered view of...
The Local Church: Worship - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownIn this third week of the current series on the local church, Matthew Lautz shared about the centrality of worship in the life of the...
The Local Church: Stewardship - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownWe are now into the second week of our month-long series on the local church. This is a chance for us to take a step back and think through...
The Local Church: Discipleship - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownMessage from Pastor Chris Amundson on January 1, 2023
2022 Christmas Eve: Lessons & Carols - Christmas EveMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 24, 2022
Longing For Home - Advent 2022: Worthy is the LambWe now move on from chapter 6; which culminates in the Wrath of the Lamb, to a vision that certainly strikes a different tone. In it, we...
The Wrath of the Lamb - Advent 2022: Worthy is the LambIn last week’s chapter, John is shown a vision of the Lamb being the only one who is worthy to receive the scroll and to look into it. In...
Worthy Is The Lamb - Advent 2022: Worthy is the LambThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
A Vision of Heaven - Advent 2022: Worthy is the LambThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
What It Takes to Win - The Son of Man at the CenterThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
To the Church in Laodicea - The Son of Man at the CenterThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
To the Church in Philadelphia - The Son of Man at the CenterThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
To the Church in Sardis - The Son of Man at the CenterThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
To The Church in Thyatira - The Son of Man at the CenterThe Revelation of Jesus Christ is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also gives us a glorious portrait of...
To The Church in Pergamum - The Son of Man at the CenterThe last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. It also...
To The Church in Smyrna - The Son of Man at the CenterThe last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, is meant to motivate and equip us to be mature disciples of Jesus. Last week,...
To The Church in Ephesus - The Son of Man at the CenterIn our sermon series, The Son of Man at the Center, we have been walking through the last book of the Bible: The Revelation of Jesus...
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - The Son of Man at the CenterThis week we continue our sermon series on the last book of the Bible: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Although its imagery may be...
The Apocalypse of Jesus - The Son of Man at the CenterThis week we begin a new sermon series on the last book of the Bible: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Although it is easy to be confused by...
Wisdom for Pride & Humility - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownThis week we stand between two sermon series: “Know the Story” and our upcoming Revelation series. In this in-between, we are invited...
Mission: The Spirit Empowers the Church - Know The StoryNote: Due to a power failure, a clip of the audio cuts out. In our sermon series “Know the Story,” we can see that God has woven...
The Problem of Righteousness - Know The StoryIn our sermon series “Know the Story,” we have been tracing the big picture storyline of the whole Bible. From Genesis to Revelation,...
The Promise of Something New - Know The StoryLast week, we learned that the direction of the king’s heart determines the direction of the kingdom. An imperfect king turns the heart...
Exile: Hearts Gone WrongLast week, we caught a glimpse of God's ultimate plans for His people. He was forming a kingdom that would one day culminate in a King...
Covenant: God Commits to His People - Know The StoryAs we saw last week with the Passover, God expects the Israelites to follow His instructions in order to live in fellowship with Him. But...
The Passover: God’s People Go Free - Know The StoryThis week we are continuing our series “Know The Story” where we are taking a wide view look at the whole Bible to see that it tells...
The Fall: The Fly in the Ointment - Know The StoryIn our passage this week, we find the dynamics of the temptation and fall into sin. While last week we found God’s original design for...
Creation: God's Grand Design - Know The StoryThis week we begin a new series tracing the big picture storyline of the whole Bible. Even though the Bible is written by about 40...
Sanctified Completely - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week, Paul concludes his letter to the Thessalonians with final instructions. For the last couple chapters, Paul has...
The Day Of The Lord - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week, Paul turns from discussing the fate of the Christian dead to the fate of the Christian living. Since the...
The Coming of the Lord - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week, Paul turns to address the Thessalonians’ concerns about their brothers and sisters in Christ who had died. Not...
More & More - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week, Paul begins to discuss the main content of his letter. Bookending the passage with the exhortations to walk and...
A Picture of the Christian Life - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week, we find that Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy have been torn away from the Thessalonians, a church they love deeply....
The Powerful Word of God - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week, Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy are thankful that the Thessalonians received and accepted God’s Word. Now this Word...
The Power of Gospel Conduct - Faithful & FlourishingIn our passage this week we are presented with a clear picture of the way Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy set out not just to preach the...
A Beautiful Beginning - Faithful & FlourishingThis week we begin our series in 1 Thessalonians. The church in Thessalonica was one of the first churches to be formed in Europe during...
The Promise After Life - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)This week we come to the end of the story of Abraham. At 175 years old, it tells us that “Abraham breathed his last and died in a good...
A Three Story Love Story - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)In the passage this week, we see God remain faithful as the promise begins to be passed from Abraham and Sarah to the next generation in...
If Christ Has Not Been Raised - Easter Sunday 2022Message from Pastor Mike Matheson on April 17, 2022
What Triumph Really Looks Like - Palm SundayIn our passage for Palm Sunday, we’re looking at a few verses from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Paul wrote to the Christians in...
Promise & Possession - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)As we are nearing the end of the story of Abraham, this week we read of the death of Sarah, his wife. The journey of Abraham and Sarah...
Is There Anything He Cannot Ask? - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)In the passage this week, God puts Abraham’s faith to the test. Everything we’ve seen Abraham go through, all his failures and...
The God Who Keeps His Promise - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)This week in the story of Abraham, the Lord makes good on His promise, and Sarah has a son, Isaac. It’s the fulfillment of a promise that...
This Again? - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)In our passage this week, after witnessing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham and Sarah leave their home by the oaks of Mamre...
The Problem & Promise of Righteousness & Justice - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)The passage this week is a big one as we read the story of God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. God comes to visit Abraham in the form...
A Relationship Based on Promise - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)This week in the story of Abraham, thirteen years have passed since the misstep with Hagar in chapter 16. While it seemed like Abram had...
The God Worth Praising Forever - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonWhat is the distance between us and God? This is the question on the mind of the writer of this psalm, as they ask in verse 5, “Who is...
The God Who Sees and Hears - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)This week in the life of Abraham we read a story that, while discouraging as far as human faith is concerned, it is in fact greatly...
The Promise Sealed - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)In our passage for this week, Abram (who has not yet been named Abraham) has an intimate encounter with God Most High. In a conversation...
The Promise Of Things To Come - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)In our passage for this week, Abram makes a daring rescue of his nephew Lot, who was taken captive after a great battle between many kings....
Eyes on the Promise - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)This week in our series on the life of Abraham, we read about a family separation that comes from a consequential choice. When strife grows...
A Song For The Momentary Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonPsalm 141 is a song of lament, a cry to God for help. And as is often the case in the psalms, it is a cry for deliverance from evil. But...
The Promise Takes Shape - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)The story of Abraham, formerly known as Abram, begins with a direct command from God: “Go from your country and your kindred and your...
The Promise Previewed - Promise: The Story of Abraham (Gen 12-25)The story of Abraham is shaped by the incredible promises made to him by God. Take these away and chances are we wouldn’t be reading...
In the Future, Face-To-Face, Forever - Now In Flesh AppearingMessage from Pastor Chris Amundson on December 26, 2021
At Christmas, Full of Grace & Truth - Now In Flesh AppearingMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 24, 2021
In Bright Flame During Dark Days - Now In Flesh AppearingMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 19, 2021
In the Cleft of the Rock - Now In Flesh AppearingMaking a Christmas list is a time-honored tradition. Think back to the outrageous requests you made of your parents year-in and...
At The Face of God - Now In Flesh AppearingChristmas brings with it a sense of wonder and magic. Seeing the faces of children light up at the various marvels of the season. The...
The Mighty Hand of a Gracious God - To The Exiles: 1 PeterAs Christians living in a world that’s not our home, a world that ultimately rejects us, how are we to endure? How do we stand firm in...
What It Takes To Make It - To The Exiles: 1 PeterWhat characteristics do you look for in a leader? The right answer is, “it depends.” It depends on where you’re headed. All...
Suffering & Glory (Part One) - To The Exiles: 1 PeterSuffering is a key element in the Christian life. Peter has repeatedly made this clear throughout this letter. To share in Christ’s...
Glory And Dominion Forever and Ever - To The Exiles: 1 PeterTime is of the essence. Though true for all in some circumstances, this truism is always true for those who follow Christ. How we live now...
Called To Something Different - To The Exiles: 1 PeterOver the last few weeks, the Apostle Peter has shown us how to live lives of submission in the various facets of our lives. As...
Living as God's Subjects (Part Three) - To The Exiles: 1 PeterThe call to live honorable lives despite our exile stature in the world has been applied by Peter in various ways. First, as citizens, we...
Living As God's Subjects (Part Two) - To The Exiles: 1 PeterSuffering, by most people’s standards, is generally avoided at all costs. The thought of leaning into hardship, especially when it comes...
Living as God’s Subjects (Part 1) - To The Exiles: 1 PeterFrom the beginning of this letter addressed to the churches spread throughout Asia Minor, Peter has been reminding the faithful of the...
A Whole New Identity - To The Exiles: 1 PeterOne word that has taken on new meaning in recent years is the word identity. How does one view him or herself? What are the key components...
Hope Fully Set - To The Exiles: 1 PeterOn what is your hope fully set? For some, hope is just an optimistic sentiment, such as hoping for good weather tomorrow. For those who...
Tapping Into Real Joy - To The Exiles: 1 PeterJoy can be elusive. So often it can escape as we face many hardships and difficulties. How can we keep from letting our joy evaporate,...
The True Grace Of God - To The Exiles: 1 PeterSo often our mailboxes get clogged and bogged with more junk mail than meaningful messages from those closest to us. In those rare moments,...
This Is The Way - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonDo you know what the longest chapter in the Bible is? Psalm 119. Located at nearly the dead-center of your Bible is the song that sings the...
Come Worship Our Great Lord - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonWhat motivates you to worship God? There are many great reasons we might give—such as, “The Bible tells me that I should,” or...
A Song For The Tested Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonWhere do you turn when you are in need of refuge? David makes clear where he turns: “In the LORD I take refuge.” While we all want this...
Blessed To Be A Blessing - Psalms: Songs for Every Season“God bless you!” We often say this to someone going through a difficult time or after a sneeze, but what do we mean by it? What does...
Awakened Everlasting - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielAs we conclude Daniel, we must consider where we have traveled. After God’s judgment upon Jerusalem, many were dragged to Babylon and...
The People Who Know Their God - Unshakeable: A Series in Daniel“How relevant is the Bible to me?” Reading Daniel 11, one might be tempted to think that the Bible is NOT AT ALL relevant! How can we...
A Terrifying Glimpse Behind the Veil - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielSometimes the most frightening thing is that which you cannot see. This is true for the child fearfully lying inside the dark bedroom or...
The Great & Awesome Name of God - Unshakeable: A Series in Daniel“How much longer will the exile last?” This was likely a question Daniel asked himself as he read Jeremiah’s words once again. Given...
A Frightening Vision of Human History - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielThink about everything Daniel has faced. From being dragged out of his homeland at a young age to be indoctrinated in Babylonian culture to...
God Save The King - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonOn this holiday weekend, many will take time to celebrate the freedom that we have in our country having been set free from the tyranny of...
The Ancient of Days & The Son of Man - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielAll too often, people stop reading the book of Daniel after chapter six because the book takes a dramatic turn. Gone are the stories of how...
He Is the Living God - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielWhere does the story of Daniel and the lion’s den rank as one of the Bible’s most popular stories? This chapter of Daniel is recounted...
The Most High Rules (Part Two) - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielKing Nebuchadnezzar made sure everyone in his kingdom heard that the Most High God—the God of Israel—was who was truly in control over...
The Most High Rules (Part One) - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielHow easily we forget that each and every conversion—the transformation from life to death through faith in Christ—is truly a miracle....
Servants of the Most High God - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielThe reign of Nebuchadnezzar was marked by great demonstrations of power and superiority. Further, Daniel 3 displays that it was marked by...
There is a God in Heaven - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielWhat keeps you up at night? The weight of the world? The stresses of life? If so, you’re not alone. This was King Nebuchadnezzar’s...
Living in a Foreign Land - Unshakeable: A Series in DanielThe opening verses of Daniel paint a grim picture for the people of God. Having their country besieged by the world’s ruling superpower...
Equip - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownOur vision as a church is To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known. But how does this happen? What is our strategy for helping someone move...
Establish - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownOur vision as a church is To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known. But how does this happen? What is our strategy for helping someone move...
Explore - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownOur vision as a church is To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known. But how does this happen? What is our strategy for helping someone move...
Engage - To Know Christ And To Make Christ KnownOur vision as a church is To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known. But how does this happen? What is our strategy for helping someone move...
What Now? - Passion: John 18-21Now what? After the initial appearances of Jesus to Mary and the disciples—and the initial excitement of Easter morning—now what? Even...
The Passover Lamb - Passion: John 18-21John the Baptist declares Jesus as “the Lamb of God,” who takes away the sin of the world. How could Jesus, the God-man who came down...
Betrayed, Bound, & Denied - Passion: John 18-21John 18 marks a significant transition in this Gospel. For the previous seventeen chapters we have heard Jesus speak about “the hour”...
Refuge - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonWhere do you turn when you’re in real trouble? Where can you find refuge when you’re in the thick of hardship? David knew the right...
Jesus' Prayer For US - The Last Word: John 13-17 p2Imagine overhearing the prayers of someone specifically praying for you. How would you be impacted? What would it tell you about that...
Take Heart - The Last Word: John 13-17 p2Over the last three chapters, Jesus has been giving his final instructions and encouragements to his disciples before he is arrested. In...
Help On The Way - The Last Word: John 13-17 p2Jesus had already promised the coming of the Helper to the disciples earlier in his teaching. However, now he makes clear to them that the...
What To Expect - The Last Word: John 13-17 p2With his departure drawing ever closer, Jesus wants to make sure his disciples know what to expect after he is gone. They can anticipate...
Abiding In Christ - The Last Word: John 13-17 p2Jesus’ declaration that he was soon going away from them dramatically impacted the disciples.. Their leader, teacher, and friend. How...
Help For Troubled Hearts - The Last Word: John 13-17 p1Jesus has made it clear to the disciples that he is going away, yet he clearly still has much to teach them. What is also clear is the...
The Way and the Truth and the Life - The Last Word: John 13-17 p1“I am the way, and the truth, and the life,” declares Jesus in John 14:6. This verse, along with John 3:16, are among the essential...
Why Love? - The Last Word: John 13-17 p1Throughout John’s Gospel we have read about God’s love for the world, the Father’s love for the Son, and even Jesus’ love for his...
And It Was Night - The Last Word: John 13-17 p1After the astonishing washing of the disciples’ feet, Jesus makes known that one of his chosen disciples will betray him in fulfillment...
He Loved Them to the End - The Last Word: John 13-17 p1Message from Pastor Mike Matheson on January 3, 2021
Christmas Eve: Be Born in us Today - O Little Town of BethlehemMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 24, 2020
Praises Sing to God the King - O Little Town of BethlehemSome of us are still scrambling to finish up our Christmas shopping. Despite having had all year, we still scramble until the last minute...
Great Glad Tidings Tell - O Little Town of BethlehemWhat is the true meaning of Christmas? This is a question that has been asked by many throughout the centuries. However, when we look at...
Morning Stars Together Proclaim the Holy Birth - O Little Town of BethlehemHow we hear and receive a message is dramatically impacted by the means (or medium) through which it is delivered. Throughout the story of...
The Hopes and Fears of All the Years - O Little Town of BethlehemChristmas is the favorite time of year for many. From the time with family and friends to the decorations, many would say this is truly...
How to See the Glory of God - Believe it or Not: John 7-12It is easy for us to take our senses for granted. The ability to see—even if through glasses—is a tremendous blessing. The ability to...
Learning To See Things Upside-Down - Believe it or Not: John 7-12The coronation of a newly crowned king or queen puts on full display the majesty, wealth, and prestige of the new monarch. In many ways,...
What Will it Cost? - Believe it or Not: John 7-12All too often our decisions are made by the answer to this question: What will it cost? Rather than deciding in light of what we truly need...
Death Loses it's Grip - Believe it or Not: John 7-12Few things are as painful as the death of a loved one. In John 11, we read about Jesus’ loss of his beloved friend, Lazarus. Though John...
How to Get Real Security - Believe it or Not: John 7-12Where does real security come from? Can we ever find it in this world given the uncertainty that we all face? Despite the various steps we...
The Good Shepherd - Believe it or Not: John 7-12As we continue reading of Jesus’ interactions with the Jewish leaders, it is clear that their leadership did not match up with God’s...
What it Takes to Really See - Believe it or Not: John 7-12Here we come to one of the most well-known stories about Jesus: his simple healing of a blind man followed by that simple profession of...
Does Anyone Really Need Jesus? - Believe it or Not: John 7-12For some—if not many—the thought of asking for help seems like a declaration of defeat. Further, there is a sense in which we now feel...
The True Light - Believe it or Not: John 7-12“I am the light of the world,” Jesus proclaims in John 8:12. What significance does this have? If he is the true light, what is the...
No One Ever Spoke Like This - Believe it or Not: John 7-12Where do we turn when we’re seeking satisfaction? For many people, satisfaction seems impossible to find let alone attain for the long...
Why is it so Hard to Believe - Believe it or Not: John 7-12We are returning the Gospel of John this week after having worked through the first six chapters in the spring. In the first section of our...
A Multiplication-Minded Church - RecalibrateWe see God’s heart for multiplication from creation to the Great Commision. We also want to see God’s heart for multiplication at every...
A Relationally-Driven Church - RecalibrateWe were created for community. Because God has reconciled us to one another, we want to put a priority on personal relationships, from...
To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain - Special ServicePaul’s short letter to the Philippians addresses a church that shared in Paul’s ministry through a committed partnership in the gospel....
A Song to Help us Remember - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on August 16, 2020
A Song for the Soundtrack of Life - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song for the Perfectionist Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song to Help Us See - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song to Sing for the King - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song of Seeking for the Weary Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song for Sorrow over Sin - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song to Steady Your Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song to Sing to Yourself - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song for the Wandering Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Song for the Impatient Soul - Psalms: Songs for Every SeasonThe Psalms play a unique role within Scripture. Each psalm reflects the heart and emotions of its author as a prayer to the LORD. And the...
A Compassion-Hearted Church - RecalibrateThe story of the Good Samaritan is one of Jesus’ most widely known parables. While it is mainly a story about showing compassion, Jesus...
A Prayerfully-Dependent Church - Recalibrate“To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known.” This is our primary goal as a church. We also declared seven values to show us what this...
Some Things Are Really Hard to Hear - Down To Earth: John 1-6As we come to the conclusion of John 6, we read two wholly different responses to Jesus’ hard words spoken in the previous section...
Bread From Heaven - Down To Earth: John 1-6You need to know where you’re going in order to get there. The crowds were looking for Jesus, but somehow lost track of him. Upon finding...
More Than Bread and Water - Down To Earth: John 1-6After making a compelling argument for why he is the true source of life, Jesus withdraws to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, only to...
A Matter of Life and Death - Down To Earth: John 1-6To this point in John’s Gospel we have been presented with the various answers to the question, “Who is this Jesus?” In the second...
A Scripture-Saturated Church - RecalibrateMost Christians will readily agree that Scripture plays an integral role in the Christian life. It is the very word of God! It is...
Waiting With Hope - Easter 2020Waiting is hard. Whether you are waiting for your food order to be completed or if you are waiting to overcome a sin struggle, waiting...
Seeing Isn’t Always Believing - Down To Earth: John 1-6When things aren’t going how we want, we want to point a finger at God, putting him on trial. When we see pain, suffering, and hardship...
In Him Was Life - Down To Earth: John 1-6What if Jesus had never performed any miraculous signs… would you still come to him? For many in John’s Gospel, this was the main draw...
Are You Ever Really Satisfied? - Down To Earth: John 1-6The question of satisfaction can be thrown at us in many arenas. Were you satisfied with your shopping experience? Complete this survey...
Above All - Down To Earth: John 1-6After the significant conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, the story turns back to John the Baptist. His disciples notice that people...
A Conversation with Jesus - Down To Earth: John 1-6One of the Bible’s most beloved and well-known verses comes from this passage. A secretive meeting by night between a teacher of Israel...
The Meeting Place of God and Man - Down To Earth: John 1-6John’s Gospel continues revealing Jesus to us. So far we have been told: Jesus is the eternal Word that was with God and also is the...
A Gospel Centered Church - RecalibrateAt the beginning of the year, we discussed our “recalibrated” core values. These didn’t represent major directional changes for us as...
Hometown Glory - Down To Earth: John 1-6Here we see the beginning of Jesus’s public ministry and the first “sign” that John records Jesus doing. The purpose of the sign is...
The Power of Pointing - Down To Earth: John 1-6John (the author) is still just beginning to introduce us to Jesus by telling us the story of John the Baptist. John the Baptist helped...
Heaven Came Down - Down To Earth: John 1-6This week we begin our new series, “Down to Earth” through the first six chapters of John. Here in this introduction, John tells us why...
Who We Want To Be (Part 2) - RecalibrateEvery one of us has values that shape the way we make decisions and navigate relationships; they inform what we see as treasure or trash....
Who We Want To Be (Part 1) - RecalibrateEveryone of us has values that shape the way we make decisions and navigate relationships; they inform what we see as treasure or trash....
To Make Christ Known - RecalibrateAs we begin a new year (and a new decade!) we are taking the month of January to “Recalibrate” together as a church. We want to think...
To Know Christ - RecalibrateAs we begin a new year (and a new decade!) we are taking the month of January to “Recalibrate” together as a church. We want to think...
Portraits of Grace: Mary - Advent 2019: Portraits of GraceOur Portraits of Grace series concludes with the story of Mary.
Portraits of Grace: Bathsheba - Advent 2019: Portraits of GraceThis Advent we are looking at the very first Christmas passage in the bible: Jesus’ family tree (Matthew 1:1-17), which highlights five...
Portraits of Grace: Ruth - Advent 2019: Portraits of GraceThis Advent we are looking at the very first Christmas passage in the bible: Jesus’ family tree (Matthew 1:1-17), which highlights five...
Portraits of Grace: Rahab - Advent 2019: Portraits of GraceThis Advent we are looking at the very first Christmas passage in the bible: Jesus’ family tree (Matthew 1:1-17), which highlights five...
Portraits of Grace: Tamar - Advent 2019: Portraits of GraceSunday officially marked the beginning of the Advent season. This year, we’ll look at an unfamiliar Advent text: the genealogy (family...
The Greater Vision of an Established FaithColossians has taught us what it looks like to be established in Christ. But a rooted and mature faith is not one that only focuses on...
Christ in All of Life (Part 2)Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus we have not only been forgiven of our sins but have been given new resurrection life....
Christ in All of Life (Part 1)Colossians gives us one of the clearest pictures of the supremacy of Christ in who he is and what he has done (see chapters 1-2). All...
Who You Are In Christ (Part 2)Throughout Colossians Paul has shown us that in Christ we have become new creations; just as Christ died and was raised to life, so we died...
Who You Are in Christ (Part 1)Last week (Col 3:1-4) Paul urged us to focus on Christ, with whom we have died and have been raised to new life, which Christ himself is...
Your Life Is ChristColossians 3:1-4 reminds us in this passage of what Christ’s death and resurrection accomplished for us: (1) we died with him, (2) we...
Is Christ Enough?There are many pitfalls that await us on the path to following Christ. In last Sunday’s text, Paul addressed specific obstacles...
What You Have In ChristTo establish our roots down in Christ, so we can grow up in maturity in Christ, because Christ is our life. This is the BIG IDEA of...
The Christ-ShapedWhat is the goal of the Christian life? Having meditated on the person and nature of Christ, Paul shifts gears to discuss how his ministry...
Big, Big JesusThe Father has moved believers from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of the beloved Son (1:13). Who is this Son? Over what does he...
Filled Up, Walking OutFollowing Paul’s greeting and thanksgiving comes his prayer for the Colossian church; this prayer is where our focus will be in this...
Gospel GratefulnessThis week we begin a study through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. This study will carry us through the fall up to the time of Advent.
Living in Kingdom-Oriented CommunityThis Sunday’s sermon is a one-off sermon built around the idea of community. Part of the intended outcome is for the congregation to see...
His Kingdom Will Endure ForeverHaving completed our study through 1 Samuel, we take this Sunday to go through the entire book of 2 Samuel as it pertains to and informs...
The Mighty Have FallenAs 1 Samuel concludes we see the inevitable outcome that was anticipated for Saul. Did his demise make him a hero?
Turning PointAs we near the end of 1 Samuel the contrast between David and Saul continues to sharpen. “Where do you turn in the face of destructive...
Living in Light of Our RedemptionPastor Danny D’Acquisto from Redemption Church returned to bring God’s word to us this past Sunday. This sermon serves as a one week...
The Wonder of God's ProvidenceWe return to David’s plight with Achish and his expectation for David to go out to fight with the Philistines. What will become of the...
A Dark NightThe author of 1 Samuel left us with a cliffhanger at the end of chapter twenty-seven as we await to see David’s outcome with Achish and...
When Faith FaltersAs we return to 1 Samuel we witness David and his behavior out of step with his role as the LORD’s anointed. As we see this divergent...
God's Glorious Grace & PurposeWe are taking a one week break from our 1 Samuel series to hear from Ephesians 2:1-10.
The Righteous & Faithful KingChapter 25 of 1st Samuel provides us with a story that finds David out of character with how we have seen him up to this point. His run-in...
It Matters How You Get ThereChapter 25 of 1st Samuel provides us with a story that finds David out of character with how we have seen him up to this point. His run-in...
Mercy Better Than LifeDavid is still on the run in chapters 23 and 24 and his struggle appears far from over. Not only is he still on the run from Saul but he is...
Safe in the Shepherd’s ArmsChapters 21 and 22 of 1st Samuel give us a view of the first events of David’s life as a fugitive of King Saul. There is nothing...
A Friend That Sticks CloserHardship and danger were regular occurrences in the life of David. In the chapter, we see David having to evade Saul in fear for his life....
The Kingdom of Saul & The Rule of DavidChapters 18 and 19 of First Samuel offer us a series of events that show us the divide that is widening between David and Saul. Though Saul...
The Battle Belongs to the LordChapter 17 gives us one of the most well-known stories of the entire Bible. The battle between David and Goliath is so common to our...
The Unexpected KingIn chapter 16 we approach another crucial turning point in the book of First Samuel and the history of Israel altogether. The anointing of...
The Rejected KingChapter 15 of First Samuel marks one of the most difficult passages for modern minds to navigate. It deals with aspects of God’s...
The Crown Begins to CrumbleHappy Easter! This week we take a short break from First Samuel to look at the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus after Jesus...
He is Risen Indeed!Happy Easter! This week we take a short break from First Samuel to look at the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus after Jesus...
Following the True KingChapter 12 brings us Samuel’s final address to the people of Israel as their leader. It is not the sentimental type of outgoing speech...
The Saving Power of GodWe dive back into 1st Samuel with the story of God’s deliverance of his people through Saul. It is a rare story where Saul is the...
Delight, Discipline, DisplayThis week our guest speaker is Julio Chiang, Pastor of City Church: Lima, Peru.
Shepherding One AnotherIn the last Sunday of our January series we explore the biblical idea of shepherding one another. A mark of a healthy church is one where...
Next Get Launch Lunch - Part 1 - EventThe Next Gen Launch Lunch was a special discussion on how parents, grandparents, and caregivers can grow in the discipleship of your...
Next Gen Launch Lunch - Part 2 - EventThe Next Gen Launch Lunch was a special discussion on how parents, grandparents, and caregivers can grow in the discipleship of your...
A Shepherd's HeartWe continue on this month with our series on biblical leadership. In viewing leadership in the local church this week, we see that God...
Shepherd LeadersIn the month of January, we’ll be focusing on the biblical theme of leadership, with the hopes that we might all aspire to greater...
The Good ShepherdIn the month of January, we’ll be focusing on the biblical theme of leadership, with the hopes that we might all aspire to greater...
Born That Men No More May DieWe apologize for the delay in posting this sermon. Please check back by January 4th we hope to have it up.
God Shakes Up the World - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Danny D'Acquisto on April 22, 2018
The First Missionary Journey - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on April 8, 2018
First Called Christians - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on February 18, 2018
The Heart Changing Gospel - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Danny D'Acquisto on February 11, 2018
A Light for the Nations - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on February 4, 2018
When You Encounter Jesus - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on January 21, 2018
The Lamb Who Comes Again - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Danny D'Acquisto on December 31, 2017
The Lamb Who Takes Away Our Sin - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 24, 2017
The Lamb Who Makes His Father Known - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Chris Amundson on December 17, 2017
The Lamb Who Shares His Name - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on December 10, 2017
Is Jesus Worth Dying For? - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Danny D'Acquisto on November 26, 2017
The Life of the Church - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on November 19, 2017
The Coming of the Holy Spirit - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on September 24, 2017
The Story Continues... - Sunday Morning ServiceMessage from Pastor Mike Matheson on September 10, 2017