What To Expect
Our weekly worship service is a refreshing time for us to gather as brothers and sisters in Christ. Each week, whether young or old, rich or poor, married or single, we unite together under God’s Word, collectively seeking to give God glory and grow in our faith. If you have never been to one of our services, then we invite you to join us! Here’s what you can expect when you come:
Expository preaching
Scripture readings
Times of prayer and reflection
Testimonies of God’s work
Welcoming environment
Ample time for conversations before and after the service
Join us as we gather to glorify God by exalting Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we gather to read the word, preach the word, pray the word, sing the word, and see the word through baptism and communion. And join us as we build one another up as a faith family. We look forward to worshiping with you!