What is membership?
We believe that part of the good news that Jesus died to rescue us from sin & death, is that he also reconciled us to one another, together in a new community of God’s special people known as “the Church.” The Church – all those brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world and throughout the years – is made up of local churches. Not buildings; but gatherings of people. Grace Church is one of those local churches. And membership is how you say, “I’m part of this particular local church.” Put simply, it’s how you put down roots.
What are the requirements?
First and foremost, you need to have put your faith in Jesus and committed your life to following him. Second, you need to have demonstrated that through baptism, which is basically a way of publicly saying that you trust and follow Christ. If you’ve not been baptized don’t worry – still come to the membership class and we’ll talk about how to be baptized. Beyond that, the only other requirement is that you’re committed to the vision, direction and leadership of our church and can affirm our statement of faith and church covenant.
How do I become a member?
To become a member, simply begin by attending our membership class, which is typically on a Saturday morning, three times throughout the year. We discuss what makes Grace Church distinct, including our vision, how our leadership is organized, and what we believe. From there, you’ll have a chance to meet with one of our leaders so they can hear your story, get to know you, and answer any questions you may have.